I wanted to let my readers know that I will be conducting training on how to conduct defensible (aka “bulletproof”) workplace investigations.
The California Association of Workplace Investigators and The State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section are co-sponsoring this event, and registration is now open.
Date: May 17, 2011, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Title: Workplace Investigation Basics: From the Decision to Investigate to the Final Report
Location: Los Angeles office of JAMS/ADR, 707 Wilshire Blvd, 46th Floor, Los Angeles CA 90017
Presenters: Katherine J. Edwards, Michael H. Leb, Rich H. Ramirez & Debra L. Reilly
This fast-paced, interactive program is designed to teach all of the practical skills necessary to investigate any allegation of employee misconduct. Among other things, you will learn how to: ask effective questions, interview reluctant witnesses, obtain relevant evidence, assess credibility, and arrive at a legally defensible decision. You will also learn how to prepare and utilize all of the necessary documentation during the investigative process. Each attendee will receive a program workbook containing valuable checklists, forms, and templates that will assist them in carrying out investigations.
5.5 Hours MCLE Credit Pending
CAOWI Members $180 • Labor & Employment Law Section Members $240 • Non-Members $300
Register at caowi.org. I hope to see you there!