We’re so excited at Nimble to announce the launch of Nimble Essentials powered by LegalSifter! Starting as low as $49 per user per month, it’s a no-brainer for any organization that reviews contracts (so every organization).

Nimble Essentials is PERFECT for busy small businesses, law firms, law departments, sales teams, sourcing, supply chain, and procurement teams. Now in a matter of minutes rather than hours or even days you can review contracts like:

  • Non-disclosure agreements

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • Supply agreements

  • Services agreements

  • Software-as-a-Service agreements

  • License agreements

  • Terms and Conditions of sale

  • Leases and more!

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Our out-of-the box solution can be up and running in a matter of minutes. Find what’s missing, compare the language of certain provisions to sample language from Nimble and make your edits in minutes. Nimble Essentials powered by LegalSifter allows organizations to review contracts at the Speed of Business!

If we were making “Dad Jokes”, we’d say that Nimble Essentials takes the “CON” out of “Contracts” but that’s just an awful and painful joke. So we didn’t say that.

But honestly, contracts and contract review bogs down organizations on a daily basis. So clear up that backlog and stop waiting for that input from your peers (that you may never get or at least not in a timely fashion). Get Nimble Essentials powered by LegalSifter today!

This is just another step in our tremendous partnership with our friends at LegalSifter! We appreciate their partnership and forward-thinking team as we worked together to create Nimble Essentials.

Give it a try. The first 14 days are risk-free. You can also go monthly starting at $99 per user per month if you don’t want to commit for the year. Start now.

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