You have been involved in an injury-causing incident or accident, and now find yourself in a position where you are dealing with the other side’s insurance representative. Can you trust them?

The very short and direct answer is “NO”.  You cannot and should not trust anything they do or say.

The job of the insurance company representative is to save the insurance company money. That means if they can pay you nothing, they will pay you nothing.  If the facts of the case are such that they cannot pay you “nothing”, then they want to pay you as a little as possible.  

How did they accomplish this?

First, they get you talking and get you to say things/admit things that you should not be telling them. They are in the business and they are experts at this, and many people in your shoes have never been involved in a legal claim.  So, what are the things that you should tell the insurance company?  What are the things you should never say to the insurance company?

Do you know?

Most people do not, and saying the wrong things (which they will record) means that they will use your own words against you later, to deny your claim, or pay you as little as possible.

Second, insurance company people like to get you to sign their documents which give them direct access to your medical history and medical records. You should NEVER give an insurance company direct access to your medical information.

How do you best combat the deceit and trickery of insurance company claims people?

Find an experienced Phoenix personal injury law firm.  You want only an experienced litigation law firm because, when the insurance company tries to deny your claim or lowball your claim, you need an attorney on your side who is prepared to do everything that is needed to get you the best result. Often that requires filing a lawsuit (and many personal injury attorneys at law firms in Phoenix do not file lawsuits for their clients).

That is not the case at Zachar Law Firm.  Indeed, not only do we file lawsuits for our clients, but we actually are referred cases from other personal injury attorneys and personal injury law firms to litigate their cases.

At Zachar Law Firm, our expertise is second to none in filing lawsuits and getting personal injury victims the best results.

Do you have questions regarding your case and what you should do next?  Feel free to call us at 602-494.4800 for a no-hassle, free consultation to discuss your personal injury case. Or you may visit us online directly at There’s no obligation. Protect your rights. 
