Dress Code For Lawyers. Let’s begin by saying that in court work requires a strict dress code. The idea here is not to stifle individuality; but, in fact, a lawyer should not attract attention that should be on the client, or the client’s matter. The best lawyer is the one whose ideas and skills are the emphasis, and not the mode of dress. This does require a neutral, professional appearance. That said, however, I would never work in a place that requires me to meet some arbitrary, what day of the week is it, version of someone else’s idea of dress. My success depends on me, and that means I need to feel comfortable in my own skin. I don’t need to be worrying about whether it is casual Friday, or if the managing Partner wants white shirts and ties on everyone in the office. If my clients object to my mode of dress, I suggest that they go seeking legal advice from the local haberdasher. Rickartprofile