Introverts are dreading a return to the noise, crowds and small talk of ‘normal’ life

Why Now Is the Best Time in 20 Years to Make a Job Move in E-Discovery

How to Manage Your Total Cost of Review: Keeping Collections on Target

 – It’s simple really, collect less data and everything costs less.

Why do phishing attacks work? Blame the humans, not the technology

Encryption Has Never Been More Essential—or Threatened

As The Talent Wars Ramp Up, How Poach-Proof Are Your Employees?

Mental health at work: How employers can help

Technology, processes and people can close the cyber talent gap

Hacked companies had backup plans. But they didn’t print them out before the attack.

– the files were encrypted as part of the attack. Oops.

An anti-networker on why he networks virtually

Why we need to be taking more breaks from work… Read More

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