Beginning this Spring Seattle University Law School will offer my Comprehensive Pretrial Advocacy Flex JD course. It is a 4-credit course. Flex JD courses are designed for students who are working. They are hybrids—for example, my Pretrial Advocacy course involves one synchronous online Zoom session per week running from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and two in-person weekends at the law school. Students in the Flex JD program can graduate in four, rather than three, years.

The curriculum of my course while organized to fit this pattern will cover the same material and experiences that an in-person at the law school course covers. One big difference is that students will be interacting with and submitting work on a very robust Canvas web page. 

The text for the course is my Pretrial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis and Strategy 6th edition, which is being published by Aspen Publishing.