Statewide Caseload Trends
2014–15 Through 2023–24
Supreme Court
• The Supreme Court issued 52 written opinions during the year.
• Filings totaled 4,944, and dispositions totaled 4,825.
• Automatic appeals arising out of judgments of death totaled 4 cases, and the court disposed of 2 such
appeals by written opinion.
• The Supreme Court ordered 11 Court of Appeal opinions depublished in this fiscal year.
PFR Outcomes. For FY24, of 795 petitions for review from civil appeals, 21 were granted (32 G&H, 2 G&T) equaling a “7% grant rate.” For civil writs, 243 PFRs filed, 8 granted, 8 G&H, 7 G&T, equaling a 9% “grant rate.” (Table 1, pg. 17.)
For FY24, 1 of 3 requests to decide questions of state law were granted. Zero rehearing petitions were granted (which has been true every year going back to 2016). (pg. 25) In FY 24, 11 opinions were depublished, and 1 ordered published. (pg. 26)
Courts of Appeal
• Total contested matters for the Courts of Appeal totaled 19,309, made up of 14,071 records of appeal
and 5,238 original proceedings.
• Dispositions in the Courts of Appeal totaled 21,652. Of these dispositions, 16,366 were appeals and
5,286 were original proceedings.
• Dispositions of appeals by written opinion totaled 8,254; appeals disposed of without written opinion
totaled 5,434, and appeals disposed of without a record filed totaled 2,678. Dispositions of original
proceedings by written opinion totaled 276, and original proceedings disposed of without written
opinion totaled 5,010.
• Statewide, 8 percent of Court of Appeal majority opinions were published.
Outcomes. For FY24 civil appeals, 80% affirmed; 16% reversed; 5% dismissed. (pg. 38) Publication rates for civil appeals overall was 14% (the rate for the 2d and 5th), with the 1st and 3d at 19% and the Fourth and Sixth at 11%.
Timing (from notice of appeal to opinion): The statewide median for civil appeals is 515 days. Fastest is 2/6 (437 days), slowest is 2/8 (645 days). (Fig. 33, pg. 40)