Here is a provocative new article by four leading legal education scholars: Langdell’s Subjects by Joan W. Howarth, Claudia Angelos, Mary Lu Bilek, and Deborah Jones Merritt. “In search of answers to the question of what law should provide the…
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Best Legal Education Articles of 2024
I have posted the Best Legal Education Articles of 2024 on the TaxProf Blog. Best, Scott Fruehwald
Books to Help Struggling Law Students
It is that time of year when first-semester grades are starting to come in for first-year law students. Many of these students are discovering that they didn’t do as well as they hoped. I have written several books to help…
Professional Identity in the Real World: W. Bradley Wendel, The Good Lawyers of January 6
W. Bradley Wendel (Cornell), The Good Lawyers of January 6. This important new article demonstrates the importance of professional identity formation in the real world–the good and bad lawyers of January 6. Does zealous representation of a client mean a…
Bringing Legal Education Reform Into the First Year: A New Type of Torts Text
Bringing Legal Education Reform Into the First Year: A New Type of Torts Text by Scott Fruehwald. Abstract Legal education reform has reached the first year of law school. Reform of the first year of law school is vital because…
Value-Centered Lawyering: Reshaping the Law School Curriculum to Promote Well-Being, Quality Client Representation, and a Thriving Legal Field
Here is a wonderful new paper on professional identity and well-being: Value-Centered Lawyering: Reshaping the Law School Curriculum to Promote Well-Being, Quality Client Representation, and a Thriving Legal Field by Katya S. Cronin. Abstract “For three long and harrowing years…
Beyond "Hard" Skills: Teaching Outward-and Inward-Facing Character-Based Skills to 1Ls in Light of ABA Standard 303 (B)(3)’s Professional Identity
Here is an excellent new article on professional identity teaching: Beyond “Hard” Skills: Teaching Outward-and Inward-Facing Character-Based Skills to 1Ls in Light of ABA Standard 303 (B)(3)’s Professional Identity by Marni Goldstein Caputo & Kathleen Luz. “In this article, we…
Incredible Idea for Self-Regulated Learning Exercise in Legal Writing Class
I stress the importance of developing self-regulated learning in my legal education books. If you can teach students how to learn on their own, they will become life-long learners. Susan Tanner and Roderick have come up with an incredible idea…
Professional Identity Formation and the NextGen Bar Open Opportunities for Law Student and Law School Success by Neil W. Hamilton
Professor Neil W. Hamilton has written an important new article on professional identity formation and the NextGen Bar. Professional Identity Formation and the NextGen Bar Open Opportunities for Law Student and Law School Success. Abstract All law faculty, staff, and…
20 principles from psychology for teaching and learning of students
Here is a helpful list of psychological principles for teaching and learning: Principle 1. Students’ beliefs or perceptions about intelligence and ability affect their cognitive functioning and learning. Principle 2. What students already know affects their learning. Principle 3. Students’…