Products / LexBlog Community
LexBlog Community
LexBlog is more than a publishing solution for lawyers, it is a launching pad for a community that is passionate about exchanging ideas, sharing opportunities and making the law more accessible to all.
Leading the largest community of legal publishers in the world for 17 years now, LexBlog is behind more than half of the blogs produced by the United States’ top 200 law firms and has been expanding internationally. Having brought blogging to the legal industry more than a decade ago, we know what works and we understand the unique needs of the profession.

Broad Reach
LexBlog Syndication pushes your blog posts through the LexBlog Network to thousands of monthly readers on and new, innovative publications like Coronavirus Legal Daily.
Profile Pages
Once syndicated, we will generate profile pages for your firm, blog, and columnists.
Research Platforms
LexBlog has partnered with Fastcase and vLex to deliver syndicated content to their research platforms.
You submit a valid RSS feed.
We monitor your blog for new posts.
Your posts are shared on LexBlog Portals.
Submit your Blog
Submit your blog by filling out this form and we will begin the syndication process.