(post 4 of 4)
So now you have your brand, your sense of what you deliver and who you want to serve, and the central message you want to deliver each time you reach out with relevant, useful content.
(post 3 of 4)
So, now we’ve discussed the reason for a messaging platform and why it’s important to think about who you and the clients you’d like to serve, and here we are at the platform. I’m glad…
“Every battle is won or lost before it’s fought.” ~Sun Tsu, The Art Of War
Get Your Firm on a Platform
A platform for your firm messaging
In an earlier post What Brand is your Law Firm? I promised to show…
~an introduction to a four-part series on brand messaging for lawyers~
Lawyer Hero
I decided to try to become a lawyer more than forty years ago, while I was attending community college.
I say “try” because I had no idea…