Case No. S2022_002 | Order of 2 June 2022
Patent prosecution takes time. So do infringement proceedings. But can the two overlap when time is of the essence? Clearly, a patent has to be granted at
Case No. S2022_002 | Order of 2 June 2022
Patent prosecution takes time. So do infringement proceedings. But can the two overlap when time is of the essence? Clearly, a patent has to be granted at…
Just in case you missed it: The LinkedIn Live session is still available online.
For the podcast lovers out there, this is an audio-only recording of the LinkedIn Live session of 1 June 2022:
LinkedInI was re-thinking the Fireside Chat format a while ago, and I have been curious to learn how you would like it. The outcome of my little poll showed a clear tendency: A preference for lunch…
Case No. S2021_006 | Judgment of 26 April 2022 | ‘Sorafenib tosylate’
Please see the report about the main hearing for some background information about the case.
Zentiva logoIn brief, Bayer HealthCare was seeking preliminary injunctive…
Objections with respect to alleged violations of Art. 84 EPC have become more and more cumbersome in recent times. I cannot really tell why. The law has not changed ever since enactment of the EPC 1973…
Case No. S2021_003 | Decision of 15 September 2021 | ‘Baugerüst’
Hepp Wenger Ryffel is involved in this matter on behalf of the Plaintiff / Tobler AG.
The patent at stake is EP 2…
Case No. O2020_001 | Decision of 9 June 2021
BD logoAs mentioned earlier on this Blog here and here, Becton, Dickinson and Company had sued Ypsomed AG for infringement of EP 2 825 227 B1…
Case No. T 116/18 – 3.3.02 (EPO) | Hearing of 22 July 2021
Board of Appeal 3.3.02 envisages to refer questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal with respect to one of the most fancy issues…