A recent case caused Merck & Co. to go down swinging on every pitch served up by the Third Circuit when it comes to being arbitrary and capricious.
Quiat on Claims
Erisa, Life, Health, Disability and LTC After 30 Years in the Claims Trenches
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The Malpractice NONdeterrent
Some doctors who examine for insurance companies feel free to play fast and loose with the truth when making reports on the condition of out of work employees because they do not have to fear malpractice claims.…
ERISA Insurers Love Frustration
You don’t have to be overly smart to understand why ERISA insurance companies do things in the most frustrating way imaginable.…
“Nameless, Faceless Medical Reviewers”
Serious problems which result when insurance companies hire doctors to perform “paper reviews” of insurance claims without ever meeting or examining the patient, and then use those paper reviews to justify termination of benefits.…
Housework Is Not ERISA Bar
In ERISA disability claims the facts, not the labels, carry the day.…
An ERISA Lien Is Not A Joke
Trying to duck a lien may be more trouble than it’s worth…
ERISA Is An Acquired Taste
We like fighting for the ERISA underdog.…
Win And Your ERISA Lawyer Gets Paid
In ERISA, claimants who win are entitled to recover fees and costs.…
No Brothers-In-Law In ERISA
Your lawyer has to know ERISA.…
Don’t “Turn Over” Your Coverage Rights
This case doesn’t change: READ YOUR POLICY!!!!…