This is a boom time for trade secret litigation in the U.S. The underlying conditions driving the boom include the growing mobility of the global workforce, the ease with which electronic data can be captured and
미국의 포괄적 개인정보보호법 홍수: 귀사에 적용되는 미국 개인정보 보호법은 무엇입니까?
The US has what appears to be a never-ending list of comprehensive privacy laws, but do they all apply to your organization? Not necessarily.…
인플레이션 감축법(IRA)의 자국산 부품 사용 요건: 기본 요건, 자격 분석, 그리고 남겨진 질문들
For years, domestic content requirements have been a point of pain and frustration for government contractors. Historically, these regimes typically come in the form of the proverbial…
CFIUS 최초의 행정명령으로 본 바이든의 국가 안보 우선순위
U.S. President Biden signed the first-ever Executive Order (E.O.) on CFIUS – the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – on September 15, 2022. While the E.O. does not substantively…
USMCA는 그 의미에 충실한가? 핵심 자동차 부품 원산지 규정에 대한 분쟁패널 회담
In recent weeks we saw Canada, Mexico and the United States present their respective positions and legal arguments, often in sharply worded exchanges, about how the Auto Core…
On August 16, 2022, United States President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the Act), a sweeping bill with significant tax, energy and healthcare implications.[1] This alert focuses on two…