Every L&I claim is different. The conditions and circumstances of each workers’ compensation claim are unique. However, many L&I claim cases follow a similar process. A common process and pattern in L&I claims Most L&I claims that come across
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Aggravation of Conditions in L&I Claims: A Simple Guide for Workers
In L&I claims, you often hear the term “aggravation of conditions” or “aggravated conditions”. Your L&I doctor or claim manager may mention “aggravation of pre-existing conditions“. Sometimes, aggravation refers to other claim-related conditions. In short, the term “aggravation” can be…
Pre-Existing Conditions in Workers Compensation: What Will Happen to My L&I Claim?
Pre-existing conditions can be a big concern for work injury claimants. Many workers worry that pre-existing conditions will prevent them from getting L&I benefits. This is a reasonable concern. After all, pre-existing conditions can complicate your L&I claim. What…
Workers’ Compensation Vocational Rehabilitation – Who Gets Them and Why?
After a work injury, some workers may no longer be employable. To address this, the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) can provide workers’ compensation vocational rehabilitation services. However, L&I doesn’t have to offer vocational rehabilitation. In fact, it’s up…
L&I Claim Board Decision: A Story About Significant Board Decisions
The Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals hears and decides L&I claim appeals. Usually, the Board makes decisions in standard and routine cases. These decisions are typically straightforward. However, on occasion, a Board decision may require special legal analysis. In fact,…
My L&I Claim Doctor Says I Need to Lose Weight Before Surgery: Does L&I Cover Weight Loss Treatment?
The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) covers medical treatment after a work injury or occupational disease. For treatment, L&I accepts certain conditions. Typically, L&I doesn’t cover conditions that do not relate to the workplace injury. However, in some cases,…
L&I Attorney Fees: Costs and Benefits for Injured Workers
If you’re a work injury claimant, you may need to hire a workers compensation attorney. In Washington State, we sometimes use the term L&I attorney instead. If you’re concerned about L&I attorney fees – you’re not alone. The cost of…
L&I Survivor Benefits After Death: How Does L&I Survivor Pension and Other Benefits Work?
After a work injury or occupational disease, workers with permanent total disability can receive an L&I pension. An L&I pension is like a lifetime annuity. Workers receive pension payments every month. Moreover, L&I pension benefits continue for the life of…
L&I Claim Protest: What Is It and Why It’s Important?
Many times, the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) makes incorrect decisions. The same is true in self-insured claims. When this happens, it’s important to file a claim protest. If the L&I claim protest isn’t successful, we proceed to file…
I Have 2 Or 3 L&I Claims – Can I Combine Them Into One Claim?
Some work injury claimants have 2, 3 or more L&I claims. In fact, you’d be surprised how many people have more than 1 workman’s compensation claim. Sometimes, you can combine multiple L&I claims into one. In legal terms, when you…