This week saw launches from a couple existing LexBlog clients, a couple Canadian firms (including a re-launch) and a couple attorneys who are new to the LexBlog Network. Stop by and give them a look and a comment, and enjoy the holiday weekend and the (hopeful) arrival of spring.
- Banking & Financial Services Law is the second blog on the LexBlog Network from Canadian firm Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt. The team offers analysis and updates on Canadian and U.S./Cross-Border credit market developments.
- Out of the Garden State comes insurance attorney William Metcalf with the New Jersey Insurance Litigation Blog. With close to 20 years of experience in the field, Bill will cover legal issues affecting insurers, reinsurers, and commercial entities.
- Another East Coaster new to the network is real estate & environmental attorney John Boehnert, who writes the Rhode Island Property Law blog. He uses it to provide commentaries on real estate and environmental law in Rhode Island and the surrounding area.
- Joining the Foley Hoag family of blogs is the Healthcare Law & Policy Blog. Authored by the firm’s healthcare lawyers, this blog focuses on developments in Healthcare law in the areas of regulatory advice, medicare coverage and reimbursement issues and more.
- Finally, Canadian firm Stikeman Elliott relaunched their blog, Canadian Securities Law, with a new look and updated design. They still offer coverage on capital markets, corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions.