On January 19, 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped its Ninth Circuit appeal of U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh’s ruling that set aside the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (“Service”) rule to extend the maximum term for programmatic “take” permits under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (“Eagle Act”) to 30 years for failure to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”).

As we discussed in our previous post,  in August 2015 the court set aside the 30-year rule on NEPA grounds, concluding that the Service had “failed to show an adequate basis in the record for deciding not to prepare an EIS–much less an EA–prior to increasing the maximum duration for programmatic eagle take permits by sixfold.” The Court found the Service’s reliance on certain U.S. Department of Interior categorical exclusions misplaced. According to the Court, the Service failed to establish that the decision was “administrative” or “procedural” in nature and failed to address concerns by its own experts that the rule revisions might have highly controversial environmental effects.  Importantly, however,  the court’s decision to set aside the 30-year rule only applied to the 30-year permit tenure provision of the 2013 rule amendments. Other components of the 2013 rule amendments were left intact, including the 5 year permit renewal and assignment provisions.

Meanwhile, the Service’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (described in this post) is ongoing. While this process, which began in April 2012, is focused on eagle population management objectives, compensatory mitigation, and programmatic permit issuance criteria, the NEPA analysis associated with this process will likely tackle the 30-year tenure provision set aside in Judge Koh’s decision.  Work on this analysis is ongoing and we anticipate that the Service will issue a draft NEPA document for public review this spring or early summer.

The Service has only issued one eagle take permit but remains committed to fully implementing the eagle permitting program. Now that the Service has dropped the appeal of Judge Koh’s decision, Service staff can now exclusively focus on the eagle permitting program.  Although the court set aside the 30-year term eagle take permit, eagle take permits for terms up to 5 years remain available. Additionally, if there are commitments in the ECP for the life of the project then there is also the possibility of permit renewal. Moreover, in support of the eagle permitting program, the Service has recently issued internal guidance and a framework for resolving legacy eagle take in the form of a Chief’s Directive. This directive is intended to provide consistent guidance and an approach for civil settlement for legacy and interim take but not prospective take.  This guidance is important in moving the eagle permitting program forward because legacy takes will need to be resolved for existing projects before the Service is able to issue eagle permits.

Photo of Barbara Craig Barbara Craig

Barbara Craig practices in Stoel Rives’ Natural Resources and Land Use group. She focuses her practice on federal environmental and natural resources law with an emphasis on endangered species compliance, and forestry and energy facility permitting and compliance issues. Barbara has extensive experience…

Barbara Craig practices in Stoel Rives’ Natural Resources and Land Use group. She focuses her practice on federal environmental and natural resources law with an emphasis on endangered species compliance, and forestry and energy facility permitting and compliance issues. Barbara has extensive experience on issues involving the Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Forest Management Act (NFMA), Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Federal Power Act (FPA), Natural Gas Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Clean Water Act (CWA) and Administrative Procedures Act. Representative clients include forestry companies and associations, ports, pulp and paper interests, developers and owners of hydropower dams, wind energy projects, utilities, and oil and gas facilities in complex permitting matters. Governor Kulongoski appointed Barbara to the Oregon  Board of Forestry, where she served from 2004 through 2008.

Click here for Barbara Craig’s full bio.

Photo of Sarah Stauffer Curtiss Sarah Stauffer Curtiss

Sarah Stauffer Curtiss helps clients understand and comply with environmental and land use laws, navigate complex permitting processes, and develop compliance solutions that enhance business opportunities. On Oregon land use matters, Sarah helps clients secure permits from local governments. She has worked with…

Sarah Stauffer Curtiss helps clients understand and comply with environmental and land use laws, navigate complex permitting processes, and develop compliance solutions that enhance business opportunities. On Oregon land use matters, Sarah helps clients secure permits from local governments. She has worked with city and county planning departments throughout Oregon, and regularly represents clients before local governing bodies and the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. She also represents energy and utility clients on permitting and compliance matters related to project development and expansion through the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC). Her federal environmental expertise covers a myriad of environmental laws.

Click here for Sarah Stauffer Curtiss’ full bio.