Before sponsoring a post on Bob’s blog we wanted to make sure our solution met his technology standards for solo and small practice attorneys. We submitted EasyPayJD to his six point test originally published in Above The Law on June 6, 2016.
We did our own evaluation based on Bob’s definitions and we invite you to do the same. What we discovered is that EasyPayJD scores on each of Bob’s points to offer attorneys a simple, profitable, transparently priced, new twist on an old concept, that has been vetted by real attorneys and legal billing companies.
Below are Bob’s original bullets (and some partial content) followed by our assessment of how EasyPayJD ‘passes the test’ to deliver exceptional value to solo and small practice attorneys.
- Good technology fuels either profitability or power (or both). A successful technology product for lawyers does one or both of two things. Either it makes us more efficient, and therefore more productive and profitable, or it empowers us as advocates, leveling the playing field (even for solo lawyers), and enabling us to do more with less for our clients. The best products do both.
EasyPayJD simplifies payment processing for efficiency:
- Simple Sign Up: No paperwork required. Your name, your business name, your business address, and your bar number are all that’s needed.
- Fast to Use: Answer three questions and you are paid. Who do you want to charge? What account do you want the charge to be deposited to (Operating, IOLTA, Trust)? How much do you want to charge?
- Eliminates Chasing Money: Secure card-on-file and automated payment plans allow you to collect when the invoice is approved. No phone calls, reminders, waiting on checks, or wondering if you collected this month’s retainer.
- Technology should work for us, not us for it. It is not enough for technology to be merely functional, it should also be intuitive. It should just work.
EasyPayJD might be the easiest payment interface you’ve ever used. Choose the client. Choose the account to deposit to. Enter the amount. Submit. Done.
- Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Legal technology should fill a need or solve a problem.
EasyPayJD solves a real business problem – getting paid by clients in a timely manner. EasyPayJD enables solo and small practice attorneys to keep client payment information securely on file so payments can be processed the moment an invoice is approved for payment. Retainers can be ‘evergreen’ – automatically processed on the specific date agreed to.
- Cheap is good, free is better. …I deny no company its right to make a buck. All I ask is that it’s a fair buck, transparently charged.
EasyPayJD’s pricing is transparent, simple to understand, and extremely competitive. Sign-up is free and there are no monthly charges. You only pay a fee when you process a payment (we deliver value)!
- Everything old is new again. Nothing gets my goat more than a company’s false claim that its new product is the first this or that in law.
EasyPayJD is not a new concept but a simple and effective twist on an outdated, complicated, and expensive one. It starts with our stripped-down, two minute, no paperwork, sign-up and ends with you getting paid quickly by clients…while remaining compliant.
- The best companies know their customers. But from what I have seen, the companies that are best at serving the legal profession are the ones whose top execs get out in the trenches, where they don’t just talk to lawyers, they listen to them.
EasyPayJD’s top executive is an attorney and has, for more than twenty years, advised physicians, attorneys and professionals on the most effective methods and policies for getting paid quickly and easily. EasyPayJD is the latest innovation from the company he founded, continuing a line of products that make collecting payments simple and fast.