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For 14 years, Tom Mighell, VP of Delivery Services at Contoural and cohost of the popular Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast, shared his thoughts on practice management, technology, and legal blogging at the Inter Alia blog. After a 4 year hiatus beginning in 2016, he has returned to the legal blogosphere with his revamped blog, now self-titled: Tom Mighell**. The biggest change he said, will be the focus of the blog. He will explore consumer technology for lawyers—the phones, tablets, password managers, and other non-law based tech that still help lawyers provide service to their clients.
Bam and Gad Solicitors is a business-oriented law firm based in Nigeria that has served clients in major industries corporate and commercial industries since 2005. The blog offers business information and tips, including posts on how to set up a foreign owned business in Nigeria, the procedures for obtaining a business permit, and thought-pieces on how artificial intelligence might change law firms in Nigeria.
O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing is a Wisconsin-based firm focused on meeting the needs of businesses and business owners. They have brought 4 blogs to the LexBlog Network:
Employment LawScene Blog offers guidance on government updates relevant to employers.
COVID-19 Resources shares COVID-19 news important to businesses, such as information about tax deadlines, debt limitations, and paid leave changes.
Tax & Wealth Advisor Blog focuses on succession planning and tax-legislation updates.
Articles gathers all of the firm’s perspectives into one space.
The “Big Thoughts/Quick Reads” Antitrust Blog** is Lowenstein Sandler’s 3rd blog in the LexBlog Network. Dubbed the “anti-tl;dr” antitrust blog, the firm’s antitrust leaders Leiv Blad Jr., Jeffrey Blumenfeld, and Zarema A Jaramillo, discuss current issues as well as long-settled issues they believe need to be reconsidered. As antitrust laws affect business across the world, the blog touches on areas beyond the US, especially in Europe and Asia. The bloggers have written opinionated pieces arguing that efficiency has made antitrust less effective, and have started an in-depth series exploring the US’s possible joining of OPEC.
Legal Support World is a legal process outsourcing company founded in 2008 that provides contract review and management, litigation support, legal research, paralegal, and personal injury litigation support services. The blog provides perspectives on best practices and how to avoid mistakes in these areas. The blog frequently gathers the insights of various experts to discuss topics such as the importance of contract management and how to overcome legal research challenges.
Stacie H. Rosenzweig, an attorney with Halling & Cayo S.C., has brought her first blog to the LexBlog Network with Ethicking. As Rosenzweig explains in her first post, a big part of her practice involves working with lawyers and representing attorneys in disciplinary and malpractice processings. She shares opinionated, personal perspectives on legal ethics and law practice and has recently published posts on how mental health issues should be treated in law and reports of lawyers committing felonies.
Tristan Pettit of the Wisconsin-based Petrie + Pettit is the sole author of Tristan’s Landlord-Tenant Law Blog. As the blog name suggests, Pettit dives into landlord-tenant issues, including relevant new laws, Fair Housing Adjustment updates, and guidance on how landlords and tenants should interact. Pettit has recently focused on bans on evictions, court closures, and stay at home orders in Wisconsin amid COVID-19.
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