By Janelle M. Lewis, Attorney and Business Strategist
The Debate Around Section 230 Has Been Growing As Increased Has Increased
The debate around Section 230 immunity has been growing in recent months, which a peak interest occurring after the conclusion of Oral Arguments in Google v. Gonzalez before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Join the conversation
Do you want to join the conversation? It all starts with understanding the basics of what Section 230 is and what it means for providers and users of interactive computer services.
About Section 230
Section 230 is a law that essentially protects providers and users of interactive computer services from being sued for blocking or screening of any material they consider offensive. This means that providers and users of interactive computer services are not treated as “publishers” or “speakers” and are therefore immune from civil liability for voluntarily restricting access or availability to material that they consider offensive, even if the material is constitutionally protected.
And Targeted Recommendations
The debate around Section 230 immunity has focused on the question of whether interactive computer services should be shielded, protected, or immune from civil liability if they engage in targeted recommendations of 3rd-party content to its users/customers. It is a complex issue and one that is not easily answered. That’s why it’s important to take the time to understand the basics of Section 230 in order to form an informed opinion on the matter.
By Watching This Video Below
Watch this video below that outlines the basics of Section 230; and the issue of whether Section 230 Immunity should be extended to activities beyond the blocking or screening of “offensive material.” Then take time to decide where you stand and join the conversation.