On 4/30/24 Congressman Henry Cuellar and his wife Imelda were indicted in USA v. Cuellar. According to their indictment, the two supposedly laundered $600,000 in bribe payments which Congressman Cuellar allegedly received. Consequently, Congressman Cuellar and Mrs. Imelda Cuellar, are now the subjects of a criminal prosecution for their supposed public corruption scheme. The two are accused of taking the bribes from a bank headquartered in Mexico City and from an oil and gas company owned by the Government of Azerbaijan. Their indictment claims, in exchange for bribe payments, Congressman Cuellar allegedly agreed to use his office to influence U.S. foreign policy in favor of the Mexican bank and Azerbaijan.
Moreover, page 3 paragraphs 6-9 of the indictment mentioned “Relative-1”, “Shell Company 1”, “Shell Company 2” & “Shell Company 3”. Based on my research, I suspect that “Relative-1” referred to one of the Cuelllar’s daughters, Ms. Christina Cuellar. I also suspect “Shell Company 1”, “Shell Company 2” & “Shell Company 3” respectively referred to these Texas-based entities: Irc Business Solutions LLC, Global Gold Group LLC & Obsidian Ora, LLC.
A 5/3/24 press release about Congressman Cuellar’s and Mrs. Imelda Cuellar’s indictment, described how these two could have hidden the suspected bribe payments:
[t]he bribe payments were allegedly laundered, pursuant to sham consulting contracts, through a series of front companies and middleman into shell companies owned by Imelda Cuellar, who performed little to no legitimate work under the contracts [emphasis added].
U.S. Department of Justice Press Release, dated 5/3/24
According to their indictment, Congressman Cuellar & / or Mrs. Imelda Cuellar might have used the supposed “sham consulting contracts” to issue phony invoices to the bribe payers. The bribe payers may have paid the phony invoices by making their alleged bribe payments to a “middleman” acting on behalf of Congressman Cuellar and / or Mrs. Imelda Cuellar. These two could have possibly employed the “middleman”, (i.e. a nominee), to help disguise the true origins of their suspected bribe payments.
Additionally, Congressman Cuellar & / or Mrs. Imelda Cuellar are thought to have transferred $360,000 in bribe payments into nominee bank accounts apparently related to Mrs. Imelda Cueller. I suspect these nominee bank accounts could have been titled in the names of the shell companies, Irc Business Solutions LLC & / or Global Gold Group LLC. Moreover, paragraph 85, page 37 of their indictment, also suggests Congressman Cuellar and / or Mrs. Imelda Cuellar commingled $17,800 in suspected bribe payments with legitimate monies they maintained in two joint bank accounts.
If the allegations at their indictment are actually true, then Congressman Cuellar & / or Mrs. Imelda Cuellar could have hidden money / washed the suspected bribe payments via:
- Shell Companies, established in Texas and believed to be named Irc Business Solutions LLC & Global Gold Group LLC.
- Nominees (i.e. intermediaries) / nominee bank accounts.
- Commingling illicit monies with legitimate monies.
Copyright 2024 Fred L. Abrams