If any of you are in need of 2.5-3 on-demand ethics CLE hours (depending on how your state counts time), or are curious about what happens when people who are not me* try to make ethics CLE fun, Cleveland-based Squire Patton Boggs has created a free long-form ethics CLE musical. (Hey, I run a legal ethics snark blog, and wrote a State Bar ethics article based on an REM earworm, I’m not judging.)

The program can be viewed here: https://www.squirepattonboggs.com/en/insights/events/2024/12/the-sound-of-ethics-on-demand-cle-program

Note: This program is approved for credit in Illinois, but not approved in Wisconsin, at least not yet, and ethics credits can’t be taken on-demand in Wisconsin (though an on-demand ethics program could count as for general CLE credit), but if you want to hear an AI Ethics Anthem (around the 17:30 mark) or a legitimate banger about AI hallucination (around 31 minutes), this may be worth streaming.

* If you are curious about what happens when people who are me try to make ethics CLE fun, or at least less dreadful than the reading-the-rules-from-the-slides thing we’ve all dealt with, I present a lot, for the State Bar, local and specialty bar associations, law firms, and others. Feel free to hit me up.

h/t to Massachusetts assistant bar counsel David Kluft, who is a good BlueSky follow if you are into all things legal ethics.