Chicago Cubs score home run in their opposition against a stylized version of the letter “C”

While CBD is Widely Available, Registering Marks for Ingestibles with CBD is Not

Actual Use, Not Preparations For Use, Of A Service Mark Is Necessary For The USPTO To Register It

Thinking of Registering a Service Mark That Primarily Benefits Your Company? Think Again

SY Custom, Inc. v. The Tailory, LLC: How To Fail Proving a Genericness Case Before the TTAB

Good Faith De Minimis Use of a Mark May Defeat a Claim of Trademark Abandonment in the Fifth Circuit

Considering a Common Phrase as a Trademark? Don’t Expect it to be Registrable.

CAFC Holds the Lack of a Property Interest in a Trademark Does Not Prevent the Commencement of a Cancellation Proceeding

The theory of “trademark neutralization.” What is it and will it likely be adopted in the US?
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