
Estate Planning Lawyers and Malpractice Claims – Guesting with the Trust Me! Podcast

Godoy v. Linzner and the Lawyer’s Duty to Shut Down a Bad Idea

Grossman v. Wakeman, Ethical Dilemmas, and What We Owe Our Clients

No Such Thing as a Free Ride: Section 859 Awards Can Now Go To Whoever Does the Work

Didn’t Stick the Landing: Despite Legal Artistry, You Still Can’t Amend a Trust with an Electronic Signature

Flying Too Close to the Sun: The Scope of a No-Contest Clause Disinheritance Under Key v. Tyler

Haggerty v. Thornton Overcomes a Four-on-One Advantage and Scores a Slam Dunk for Trust Settlors

The Roadrunner Always Wins: Hamilton v. Green and the Limits of Creativity