Vanessa K. Burrows counsels clients on health care law and regulatory issues, with an emphasis on drug, medical device, food, beverage, and pharmacy law. Her…
Vanessa K. Burrows counsels clients on health care law and regulatory issues, with an emphasis on drug, medical device, food, beverage, and pharmacy law. Her broad-based experience also includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance, health privacy and security, alcohol beverages and public health. She advises health care entities and their contractors on compliance, regulatory, data sharing, licensing, and enforcement matters. She also counsels clients on compliance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and guidance. Read Vanessa Burrows' full bio.
Vanessa K. Burrows counsels clients on health care law and regulatory issues, with an emphasis on drug, medical device, food, beverage, and pharmacy law. Her…
Vanessa K. Burrows counsels clients on health care law and regulatory issues, with an emphasis on drug, medical device, food, beverage, and pharmacy law. Her broad-based experience also includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance, health privacy and security, alcohol beverages and public health. She advises health care entities and their contractors on compliance, regulatory, data sharing, licensing, and enforcement matters. She also counsels clients on compliance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and guidance. Read Vanessa Burrows' full bio.