Running a website or a blog can be a challenge. It can be overly-technical and without the proper resource, a terrible time-sink for a firm or organization. So picture amplifying that number by a 10. How about 100? How about 1000?

Coming up with a solution just doesn’t scale well for anything besides a tech company. And for many tech company even that is a challenge. Believe me, we could tell you some stories.

You do not build a large scale online publishing and hosting solution overnight. It took us nearly a decade to get to where we are and we confidently have hosted thousands of online publications for a spectrum of clients.

Some of those clients, as they grew, pushed us to create solutions that allow them to use our platform to offer larger solutions. For those clients, it became necessary to license our platform.

Who is licensing our software?

When you need a long term technology partner who can serve an ever-growing need for online publishing and don’t want to retain a technical staff or constantly engage with new partners, LexBlog is there to serve your firm.

We handle design, deployment, and support of large-scale solutions. Along with tools to grow and maintain those solutions.

Making sure you keep clients happy, while utilizing all of your resources internally is a constant challenge. LexBlog helps simplify that by helping you streamline your organization.

We can take what you don’t want or can’t afford to handle off your plate.

Hard time hiring dependable developers? Don’t worry, we build and maintain the technology and we can do the same with design and support, leaving you to focus on serving your customers and growing your business.

How would you like to be able to offer blogs or websites to every member of your organization? LexBlog will work with you to provide a solution that is consistent and professional.

From sign-up through customization to launch, we make it easy for your members to get online in a format that you approve.