The holidays often bring us face-to-face with aging parents. Maybe you’ve noticed concerning changes or know you need to discuss future planning. But where do you start when they resist these conversations? Aging parents often want to put this off,
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Aging In Place: When It’s Not A Good Plan For The Future
Most people at or near retirement age will say they want to remain at home as long as possible. That means not going to a seniors’ home of any kind “with all those old people”. It sounds fine to plan…
Siblings, Step-Siblings and Fights About Aging Parents

Blended Families Are At Risk
Sometimes aging and the need for change can bring out the worst in people. It can happen in blended families with aging parents. It may not surface until the adult children are faced with issues…
Desperation: How An Aging Parent Got His Abusive Son Out Of His Home
Here at, we see a broad range of elder-related problems. This one was a first. It is a true case, one a solo ager can learn from. If you are aging and living alone, take heed.
The Facts:…
Will We Have A New Quick Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease?

The dreaded brain disease, Alzheimer’s, is considered difficult to diagnose. For one thing, it comes on gradually in most cases and initially has no physical symptoms like pain or trouble moving around. Doctors usually first hear that a person has…
Beware When Choosing Assisted Living For An Aging Parent
Families struggle with how to help aging parents and other loved ones as they begin to lose independence. Especially when the elder lives at a distance from family, assisted living seems to be a solution. Kids don’t want to move…
Mental Health Dilemmas With Aging Parents
Maybe it started to become more visible during the pandemic. Now, there is a nationwide effort to remove the long standing stigma of mental health issues. Historically, it has been very difficult for anyone to persuade a family member to…
Frightening: Wealthy Aging Dad Did Not Do Any Estate Planning
Adult son of a well-to-do real estate investor began to notice that his father, Wealthy Dad (WD), was slipping. WD was becoming forgetful. He had purchased a lot of real estate in his younger days, and owned eight single family…
When Does It Become Unsafe For Your Aging Parent To Live Alone?
Our elders love their independence, for the most part. Perhaps over time, their chronic health conditions start to erode their abilities to do some things independently. In the absence of a sudden event, like a fall, the slow decline in…
Why Aging Parents With Memory Loss Should Stop Managing Money
A new study published in the New York Times demonstrates some startling findings about loss of ability to make money decisions in older people. The study approaches the issue by looking at debt accumulation and reduced credit scores in elders…