When a person dies, the decedent’s loved ones must deal with the decedent’s property. The first question the decedent’s family members need to ask is: did the decedent have an estate plan in the form of a Will or a
Located in southern California, Albertson & Davidson has focused on trusts, wills, and probate for abused beneficiaries since their founding in 2008. Their skilled team of seven has helped recover millions in estate litigation cases. With extensive courtroom experience the firm prides itself on navigating complex and emotionally charged legal issues.
When a person dies, the decedent’s loved ones must deal with the decedent’s property. The first question the decedent’s family members need to ask is: did the decedent have an estate plan in the form of a Will or a…
How do Trust beneficiaries know how much they are entitled to? Often, rather than stating a specific dollar amount for each beneficiary, the Trust will state that each beneficiary is entitled to a certain percentage of the Trust estate. This…
A Trust is an entity that holds assets. Living Trusts are set up to benefit the Trust creators, (also referred to as the “Settlors,” or “Grantors,”) during their lifetimes. Living Trusts also provide the terms for management and distribution…