Artificial Intelligence (AI) is commonly thought of the capacity of computer systems to execute tasks that usually need human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and making decisions.[1] It covers a range of specialised fields, each focusing on different functions. For
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What is a Family Provision Application?
Last updated 6 September 2024. Under Part 4 of the Succession Act 1981 (Qld) (Act), a Will can be contested for inadequately providing for the proper maintenance and support of a defined class of persons. These persons include spouses, de…
How to read a commercial contract
Reading time – 5 mins A commercial contract (Commercial Contract) is a legally binding agreement between two (2) or more parties that contains the terms and conditions for a mutual exchange of value, such as goods or services for financial…
Benefits of international arbitration
International commercial arbitration offers significant benefits to businesses engaged in international transactions. It enables them to resolve disputes quicker, at a lower cost, and with greater enforceability than can normally be achieved through national Courts. The five (5) key benefits…
Arbitration clauses in international contracts
Arbitration is a private process where parties to a commercial contract agree (Arbitration Agreement) to let an arbitrator[1] (Arbitrator) make a binding decision on a dispute between them, without recourse to national Courts. The Arbitrator receives evidence, hears arguments and…
Tortious interference with contract – injunctive relief
The wrongful or ‘tortious interference’ with a contract occurs when a third party intentionally causes a contracting party to commit a breach of contract. The third party will be liable if they intentionally induced or disrupted a party’s ability to…
Misuse of confidential information in source code
The case of Optus Networks Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd (2010) 265 ALR 281; [2010] FCAFC 21 at paragraph 39, showed that a cause of action for a breach of confidence must have the following four (4) elements: the information in question must be…
Are the recitals in contracts binding?
Recitals, also known as the ‘preamble’ or ‘details’ clauses (Recitals) are introductory statements at the start of a contract that provide context, background or reasons for the terms and conditions that follow. They have been historically used by the Courts…
Compensation for breaches of director’s duties
Should it be held that a director of a company has breached their statutory duties, as contained in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act), then the question arises as to how a Court will determine the amount of compensation to…
IP Australia adopts Madrid Goods and Services list
From 26 March 2024, IP Australia has implemented the internationally recognised Madrid Goods and Services (Madrid List), replacing the AU Goods and Services Picklist.[1] The adoption of the Madrid List comes as Intellectual Property Australia (IP Australia) seeks to align…