504 vs IEP A 504 Plan provides accommodations, services and/or aids to
students with a disability (as that term is defined under the Americans with
Disabilities Act Amendments Act) to afford the student equal opportunities to
participate in
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Can a school attorney attend an IEP meeting if the parent attorney does not?
Special Education eligibility categories in Arizona
A.R.S. § 15-761(2)(a)
(i) Autism (A)
(ii) Developmental
delay (DD) (until age 9 years)
(iii) Emotional
disability (ED)
(iv) Hearing
impairment (HI)
(v) Other health
impairments (OHI)
(vi) Specific
learning disability (SLD)
(vii) Mild, moderate
or severe intellectual disability (MID,…
What if my child is gifted?
The Laws Impacting Students with Disabiities
How to navigate the world of special education – VIDEO

Fron a recent presentation.https://care4thecaregivers.org/courses/idea-a-legal-look/
Here’s what to do when your child needs help in school
By Hope Kirsch, Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLChttps://www.yourvalley.net/paradise-valley-independent/stories/kirsch-heres-what-to-do-when-your-child-needs-help-in-school,288281If your child is struggling at all — in school work (academics), making friends, teachers complaining about behavior, almost anything that concerns you or the teachers — the school should be notifying…