New York Bar Picture Book
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Moving on over to Substack
So, after 4 years of working full time and trying to side hustle my art and writing, I finally gave notice to my company.
It’s been honestly super traumatic. There’s been a lot of bad and stress but I am…
Happy New Year (again!)
So the best part of being Asian (for the Asians who celebrate) is that you get a second kick at the new year can normally a little over a month after the Gregorian new year.
Thanks, God (as my MIL…
Ready for the fall
This year’s back to school is truly a gong show. But fall is my favourite season and despite the chaos, I am hoping that we can all slowly walk out of this mess.
I’ve started working on some tax law…
When will this end?
This year has been probably the worst on record since a long time ago. Then again, I wonder if every year ends up being a personal hell for someone somewhere. If you think about it, maybe this is just life.…
Access to the law is powerful.
It’s not great to be human at the moment. Especially a hyphenated human.
On top of COVID, hyphenated humans are currently dealing with even more hurt. Whether it’s Asian Americans or Black Canadians, there is so much pain out in…
And it goes on.
Well folks, I’m still here. Still slogging away in obscurity, still selling one damned book at a time. Amazon – the bane of my existence for which I have such a love-hate relationship with. I wonder if I should list…
Strict Liability – Animals
This latest comic about assault…
I normally don’t like to talk about the colour of my skin because I don’t really believe that it has much to do with my work, but it feels quite different now. I am tired of all the hate and…