Don’t you hate it when you go to a blog and no new posts have been written in . . . forever? Me, too. Then I realized that was my blog. I have been absent for quite a while because
The Notorious RBG may not have known it at the time, but she wasn’t just speaking about societal change. She was speaking to each of us in our own lives. Real change, enduring change in our personal lives also happens…
This post is an excerpt from my new book, 50 Lessons for Happy Lawyers: Boost wellness. Build resilience. Yes, you can. It will be available for pre-order soon, at Amazon.com. Email me here to get your free copy when it…
Yesterday I sat down – Zoomwise – with Kevin O’Keefe, CEO and Founder of LexBlog, to interview him for my upcoming book, 50 Lessons for Happy Lawyers: Boost wellness. Build resilience. Yes, you can. I have admired Kevin for…
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
– Cameron Crowe
Your ability to create powerful habits and use them to focus your attention on doing the right things will make a tremendous impact on your life.…
To be prepared is half the victory.
– Miguel de Cervantes
One of the most powerful things you can do to begin to take control of your time, your work, and ultimately your life, is to get into the habit…