Per l’agricoltura italiana il 2024 è stato un anno da record. È quanto emerge dai dati Istat sull’andamento economico del settore agricolo per l’anno appena conclusosi.
È italiano il primato in UE, per valore aggiunto in agricoltura. Con i suoi
Trevisan & Cuonzo, established in 1993, is one of the leading Italian law firms and its clients include many of the most technologically advanced and innovative businesses in the world. The firm offers a complete range of commercial services and specialises in a wide range of industrial sectors including electronics, chemical, automotive, food and nutrition, energy, life sciences, telecommunications, media and information technology.
Düsseldorf – UPC Local Division (https://www.unified-patent-court.org/en/court/locations)
The order issued by the Düsseldorf Local Division on 31 October 2024 granting the preliminary injunction requested by Valeo Electrification against some entities of the Magna group (available here) may seem one of…
On 25 September 2024, the Italian Competition and Market Authority (“AGCM” or the “Authority”) launched an investigation against the Chinese fast-fashion giant Shein over alleged misleading or omissive environmental messages contained in its Italian website (managed…