Boundary Dispute Law Blog

Latest from Boundary Dispute Law Blog - Page 3

Imagine how much influence the four men above influenced the world.

“The Four Vagabonds” from left to right are Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, and Harvey Firestone.

Ford remains not only synonyms with cars, but also with techniques of

Hey There! Big opportunity. We have exactly 365 days to get 20/20 perspective.

Maybe you are like me and wish you had it yesterday.

But as the Fleetmac suggest: “Yesterday’s gone, [so] … don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.”

Notwithstanding that

Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich gives some treatment to ESP or as he calls it Telepathy.

Perhaps there is a distinction between these phenomenon that I am not aware.

As someone who has been quite literally “grounded” in the

Yesterday, I recorded one of the last stipulated judgments of my career as a boundary dispute attorney. The woman seated at the recorder’s desk was pleasant enough.

When she asked what it was that I was recording, I told her