Independent Contractor Misclassification & Compliance

Latest from Independent Contractor Misclassification & Compliance - Page 3

It has been well over a year since the U.S. Department of Labor issued its proposed rule entitled ‎‎“Employee or Independent Contractor Classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act.” The ‎regulation was expressly intended to override the Trump Administration’s regulation

We have had the opportunity, in the course of our independent contractor practice, to represent ‎clients in over 75 diverse industries including some in rather esoteric businesses. These clients ‎have included musical bands, hail repair companies, meditation centers, adult entertainment

Companies can use two independent grounds to compel arbitration of independent contractor misclassification lawsuits: the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and state arbitration laws. The FAA, however, includes an exemption for workers engaged in interstate transportation. This exemption has consumed the