Fuct, a L.A. based clothing brand will be infront of the U.S. Supreme later this month. In the past, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) has prohibited registration of marks that constitute immoral or scandalous matter, as well
Intellectual Property Law
Latest from Intellectual Property Law - Page 2
Copyright Clarity from the Supreme Court
For years, copyright owners have faced uncertainty as to when they could file a copyright infringement claim. Title 17 U.S.C. § 411(a) states that “no civil action for infringement of the copyright in any United States work shall be instituted…
Blockchains & Intellectual Property for Startups
The value of technology-driven startup companies is often heavily dependent on a company’s ownership of intellectual property and the value associated with that intellectual property. Blockchains can serve an important role in proving ownership, usage, and ultimately the value of…
How the NFL, pop culture, and successful advertising helped lead Campbell’s to a CHUNKY Victory
The Campbell Soup Company (“Campbell’s”) can now tell its competitors, “No CHUNKY soup for you!” Earlier this month, Campbell’s earned the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (“USPTO”) approval to trademark the word “CHUNKY.” Campbell’s has long used the word…
Patent and Trademark Office Shutdown Update
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) posted an update on its official website yesterday with information about its activities during the shutdown. Up until this point, the USPTO has been operating through the use of prior-year fee collections.…
More Than Just a Game
The issue of intellectual property used within video games is in the news again. If you haven’t already heard, wildly popular video game Fortnite features a dance called “Swipe It” that is the center of a pending lawsuit. Brooklyn-based rapper…
U.S. Copyright Office Provides Clarity On Single Application Eligibility
PTAB Wastes Aircraft Lav Patent
Music Modernization Act Signed Into Law
On October 11, 2018, President Trump signed into law the long-anticipated Music Modernization Act (“MMA”), legislation focused on shepherding the existing music licensing system into the digital age. Among the highlights, the MMA provides for blanket mechanical licensing and a…
Beware of A Scam Affecting the Amazon Brand Registry!
Attention brand owners and users of the Amazon Brand Registry: you need to be aware of a scam currently happening at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). Scammers are submitting fraudulent requests to change email correspondence addresses for…