In my latest column for State Tax Notes, I provide an update on the status of the Alaska Permanent Fund and on actions taken during the regular legislative session and three special sessions to attempt to clarify the many questions
Mineral Law
Insight and Information on the Oil, Gas, Pipeline, & Mining Industries
Latest from Mineral Law - Page 2
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Proposes Regulation Changes
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF) issued notice of proposed regulation amendments to Title 17 of the Alaska Administrative Code dealing with rural airport rental and fees.
The existing rental rate regulation applicable to rural airports in…
Mandatory Vaccination Policies for Employees: What Can (and Should) We Do?
Just a few short months ago, we would have thought that COVID-19 was almost behind us and that it was only a matter of time before mine operators would no longer have to worry about the spread of the disease…
Jon Iversen: Trials of the Season
In my latest column for State Tax Notes, I provide an update on Alaska’s budget woes, on possible tax hikes and fiscal uncertainty still faced by the state’s taxpayers, and on the state’s ongoing inability to make payment to holders…
Jon Iversen Discusses Alaska Supreme Court Decision Overturning Tax Credit Bond Program
In previous columns for State Tax Notes, I have discussed H.B. 331, which was passed by the Alaska State Legislature to remedy the state’s failure to pay off outstanding rebatable oil and gas production tax credits. However, the Bill faced…
Alaska Faces Challenges of COVID-19, Low Oil Prices and Increase in Production Tax
In my latest column for State Tax Notes, I look at the challenges that Alaska, and particularly the state’s oil and gas industry, has faced in 2020 thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, low oil prices and the threat of a…
Alaska DNR Issues One Year Extension for Certain Mining Payments
The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources has issued an Order granting a one year extension for mining payments due under Alaska Statute 38.05.210 (Annual Labor) and Alaska Statute 38.05.211 (Annual Rental).
In response to COVID-19, and in an…
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Proposes Revisions to Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act
Of interest to mineral projects, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) continues to attempt to revise some of its Endangered Species Act (ESA) implementing regulations to align with the relatively recent decision from the Supreme Court in Weyerhaeuser Co.…
Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Proposes Changes to Bond Regulation
The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (“AOGCC”) is considering revisions to 20 AAC 25.025 of the Alaska Administrative Code. One revision would “allow a reduction in the requisite bond amount if an operator demonstrates that it has a bond…
Changes to Alaska’s Mining Laws – Annual Labor
When Alaska amended its mineral tenure statutes, it significantly changed the statement of labor that must be filed annually to maintain state mining claims. We previously provided an overview of the changes and now explain them in more detail. Neither…