Alexander Lycoyannis
Retail and Commercial Development and Leasing
Latest from Retail and Commercial Development and Leasing - Page 2
Florida's State Sales Tax on Real Property Commercial Leases to Decrease Effective June 1, 2024
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Logan Evan Gans, Jorge E. Sagarra
The Real Estate and Corporate Restructuring Connection, Plus Retail Restructuring Trends
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Marcy Hart, Olufunke Leroy, Holly R. Camisa, Maria Z. Cortes, Michael R. Peacock, Shannon Maroutian
Types of Guarantees in Commercial Leases
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Christine Anchia Crousillat, Herman R. Lipkis
NYC's Guaranty Law Violated the Contracts Clause of the U.S. Constitution
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Francesca Morris
Energy Star and LEED Certifications – What's the Difference?
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Marcy Hart, Holly R. Camisa, Maria Z. Cortes, Olufunke Leroy
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Provisions
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Marcy Hart, Holly R. Camisa, Maria Z. Cortes, Olufunke Leroy
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022: The Newly Added Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit
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Marcy Hart, Holly R. Camisa, Maria Z. Cortes, Olufunke Leroy
Inflation Reduction Act Offers a Variety of Green Building Tax Incentives
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Marcy Hart, Holly R. Camisa, Maria Z. Cortes, Olufunke Leroy
Spring Cleaning of Letters of Credit as Lease Security Deposits: Time to Reconsider?
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Meg Raker