We invite you to join our webinar on the eve of the U.S. Presidential election.
Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, and Republican incumbent, President Donald Trump, are preparing foreign policy platforms in the final months of the 2020 election cycle. What are the major points of tension between the Republican and Democratic candidates? Should either party be elected? What would the U.S. policy towards Europe look like under each administration? Will U.S. trade and economic policies towards Europe see significant changes? How will U.S.-Europe relations change?
Join President Donald Trump’s former top G7 and trade adviser Kelly Ann Shaw, Senator Norm Coleman, Ivan Zapien and Prof. Jorrit Rijpma in this informative panel discussion on Monday 2
November at 15.00 CET/14.00 GMT as they share bipartisan views of the 2020 election and its impact on foreign policy.
You will be able to submit questions during the webinar, but we also welcome them in advance. Please submit any questions for our speakers to sandra.buitendam@hoganlovells.com
Click here to register for this webinar
With the U.S. election quickly approaching, anticipate the potential impacts, analyze the insights, and understand the implications of the evolving politcal landscape and its outcomes for global businesses and industry, by visiting our U.S. Election 2020 Topic Centre.