When you decide to invest in a unit trust, you are putting your money in a fund that is managed by a fund manager. The fund manager invests your money according to its objectives and risk appetite. The fees charged by the fund manager also determine the rate of return on your investment. The MAS website offers a list of funds that are authorised to accept retail investors. The money you invest in the fund is pooled with the money of other investors.
In Malaysia, investors can invest in various asset classes through unit trust funds. These investments are regulated by the Securities Commission Malaysia and are managed by professional fund managers who have the expertise and experience to achieve a specific goal. They are also monitored by a trustee who ensures that decisions are made in the best interest of their investors.
The return you get on a unit trust investment is usually in the form of an income distribution or capital appreciation. This is based on the underlying investment of the unit trust fund. Since each unit earns a certain amount of money, the investment value can grow to eleven times the amount of Mdm Lee’s by the time they reach retirement age. However, the return you get depends on your objectives and the type of unit trust fund you choose.
There are two types of unit trust: passive and active. Both are beneficial in different ways. In the former, the fund manager tries to beat the market by buying and selling assets based on global trends. However, these funds are more expensive than passive ones.
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