New Era of China Patent Law by Founders Legal

Innovation with Integrity: The New Era of China’s Patent Law

Understanding the Implications of China’s New Regulations on Global Patent Practices

Effective January 20, 2024, the National Intellectual Property Administration of China (CNIPA) will enforce a significant update to its patent regulations. This change represents a considerable shift in the intellectual property law landscape within the country, aiming to promote an environment of genuine innovation and integrity.

The Principle of Good Faith in Patent Applications

The revised regulations emphasize the principle of good faith in all patent applications:

  • New Article 11: Mandates adherence to the principle of good faith.
  • Genuine Inventive Activities: Requires applications to be based on real and original inventive activities.
  • Prohibition: Strictly prohibits falsification or fabrication of inventions.

Defining Abnormal Patent Application Behaviors

The “Regulations on the Norms of Patent Application Behavior (2023)” provide a clear definition of what constitutes abnormal patent application behaviors:

  • Multiple Submissions: Submitting several applications with significantly identical content.
  • Fabrication and Forgery: Involving alteration of inventive content, experimental data, or technical effects.
  • Random Generation: Using computer technologies to randomly generate inventive content.
  • Non-Conformity: Applications that do not align with technological improvement principles.
  • Lack of Research: Submitting multiple applications without actual R&D activities.
  • Malicious Filing: Dispersing or filing multiple applications associated with a specific entity or individual.
  • Improper Transfer: Transferring or acquiring patent application rights for improper purposes.
  • Other Violations: Any other behaviors that disrupt the normal order of patent work.

Enforcement and Penalties

To ensure compliance with the new regulations, CNIPA has outlined a series of penalties for those who engage in abnormal patent application behaviors:

  • Fines: Up to 100,000 RMB for violating the good faith requirement.
  • Fee Reduction Denial: Abnormal applications will not be entitled to reduced fees.
  • Public Announcement: Violations will be announced on government websites and media.
  • Credit Impact: Inclusion in the national credit information sharing platform.
  • Exclusion from Funding: No funding or rewards for those involved in abnormal behaviors.

Implications for Domestic and International Applicants

The revised regulations apply equally to Chinese and foreign applicants, signaling a move towards a more inclusive and fair patent system:

  • Equal Application: The regulations apply equally to Chinese and foreign applicants.
  • Inclusion in Examination: The good faith principle is included in the examination of international applications entering the national phase

Key Takeaways

China’s latest updates to its patent regulations represent a significant step forward in its quest to foster an environment of genuine innovation and respect for intellectual property. By emphasizing the principle of good faith and introducing strict measures against abnormal patent applications, these changes signal a commitment to quality, integrity, and fairness in the patent application process. As the global community of innovators and legal professionals adapts to these new norms, it will be crucial to monitor the implementation and enforcement of these regulations, ensuring that they effectively contribute to a more reliable and trustworthy patent system.

As we continue to witness the evolution of China’s intellectual property laws, staying informed and seeking professional guidance will be key to navigating this new landscape. The implications of these changes extend beyond the borders of China, affecting global innovation strategies and necessitating a proactive approach to patent management and legal compliance. With these updates, China is not only protecting its own interests but also contributing to the global discourse on intellectual property rights and innovation.


This article was informed by insights from our Foreign Counsel Foundin Intellectual Property, and by the article “China Updates Regulations Against Applying for Abnormal Patent Applications” featured in the China IP Law Update on Friday, December 22, 2023, authored by Aaron Wininger of Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.

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