Simon Warr heads up the legal Expenses division at AmTrust International. In his current role he focused on expanding the global reach of Adverse Costs, Capital and more general Legal Protection products.
Simon started in legal expenses insurance in 1989 and has worked consistently in a variety of roles within the profession ever since. His roles have consisted primarily of underwriting positions at a coverholder and insurer level but have also included business development and management positions within both the insurance company and Lloyd’s syndicate markets. Prior to joining AmTrust, Simon was at Brit Insurance and before that at Capita Insurance Services, Eastgate Assistance and Hambro Legal Protection for a number of years. Simon was President of Legal Protection International (LPI) for 7 years up until 2024. LPI was the global international legal expenses insurers association which carried out extensive work on market data and lobbying.
Company Website:
Year Founded: 1998
Headquarters: Exchequer Court, 33 St Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8AA
Areas of Focus: Legal Expenses Insurance, CPI and JPI
Quote on Litigation Funding: Litigation Funding, used wisely, provides access to justice – simple. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need it, but we don’t live in an ideal world, so it provides an essential part of the armoury needed to right wrongs.