The United States Supreme Court Holds In-House Proceedings by Federal Agency for Enforcement Action to Recover Civil Penalties Violates Seventh Amendment
Ninth Circuit Court Affirmed the Lower Court’s Dismissal of Conservationists’ “Taking” Claim Under Endangered Species Act, Finding the Suit Moot
Ninth Circuit Court Holds Wastewater Rule Under the Clean Water Act Applies to the Entire Facility, Not Just to Portions Where Industrial Activities Occurred
SWRCB Designates Tulare Lake Subbasin as Probationary Following 2023 DWR Announcement Deeming Six Basins to have Inadequate GSPs
SAVE THE DATE!! Abbott & Kindermann’s 23rd Annual Land Use, Real Estate, and Environmental Law Update
REGISTRATION IS OPEN!! Abbott & Kindermann’s 23rd Annual Land Use, Real Estate, and Environmental Law Update
Second District Court of Appeal Holds Covenants Cannot be Enforced Against Property Owners When No Recorded Instrument Expressly Indicates the Covenant Applies to the Property
The Second Appellate District Holds Summary Judgment Based on Bona Fide Purchaser Doctrine Was Improperly Granted When There Were Obvious Factual Disputes of the Seller LLC’s Managerial Authority as to Whether Purchaser Was Adequately Diligent
California Court of Appeal Affirmed the Principle that Privately-Owned Utilities Can Be Considered Public Entities for Inverse Condemnation Liability
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