
You Have 72 Hours: NCUA Finalizes New Cybersecurity Incident Reporting Rule for Federally Insured Credit Unions

Who Has My Data? EU Court Rules GDPR Requires Disclosure of Data Recipient Identities, Not Just Categories, in Response to Data Subject Access Requests

Pet Stairs, Wiretapping, and Cookies: Implications of the Third Circuit’s Popa Opinion

California Announces Increased Scrutiny on CCPA Violations with Latest $1.2 Million Enforcement Action Settlement

COVID and CBD Prove to be a Powder Keg for Federal Regulators

A Tale of Two Functions: Weighing Business and Legal Considerations in the Wake of a Data Breach to Preserve Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Protections

FTC Finalizes Updated Safeguards Rule Under GLBA to Dramatically Expand Data Security Requirements and Scope of Rule

The Tide Has Turned in TCPA Litigation: The Supreme Court Unanimously Adopts Narrow Definition of “Autodialer” in Landmark Decision