Monterey Water Saga Continues: County’s Approval of Desalination Plant Upheld Against CEQA Challenges
Court Approves EIR’s Climate Change Analysis for Community Master Plan
CEQA Challenges to EIR’s Biological and Emergency Evacuation Analyses Rejected
EIR Invalidated for Failure to Analyze Potential Public Acquisition of Residentially Zoned Land
EIR For Martis Valley Project Near Lake Tahoe Rejected on Four Grounds But Wildfire Evacuation Analysis Complied with CEQA
Court In CEQA Case Applies the Deferential Standard in the Planning and Zoning Law When Determining Whether the Project Is Inconsistent with the Applicable General Plan
Fifth District Holds Defects in EIR’s Air Quality Impact Analysis Require Decertification of Entire EIR
How Much Leeway Does a Lead Agency Have to Define an Appropriate Baseline for CEQA Review?
Court Upholds San Diego Convention Center Expansion
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