A Glimmer Of Hope: The Supreme Court Now Has A Chance To Resolve A Circuit Split And Pronounce That Mortgage Underwriters Qualify For The Administrative Exemption
Will the Supreme Court Finally Remove Doubt That an Employer Can Mandate That Employees Enter Into Arbitration Agreements with Class Waivers?
New York Appellate Court Strikes Down Class Action Waivers
Supreme Court to Hear Class-Action Waiver Arguments in its October 2017 Term
What 2016 Workplace Class Actions Filings Suggest Employers Are Apt To Face In 2017
Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Legality of Class Action Waivers
No “Double Dipping”! Second Circuit Rejects Combination of Liquidated Damages Under FLSA and NY Labor Law
A Fresh Take on the Horizontal Joint Employment Theory: Conditional Certification for Subway Employees Denied
Electoral Impact: How Does Tuesday’s Result Affect the Overtime Exemption Regulations?
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