Vive Le Restructuring: French Restructuring Plan Gets Overseas Approval and Enforcement in the U.S.
Supreme Court to Tackle Fraud Exception in Lamar, Archer & Cofrin, LLP v. Appling
Endangered Species: Seventh Circuit Finds that Forex and Spot Metal Contracts are Not Entitled to Customer Protection in FCM Liquidations
The Gate Swings Shut: Second Circuit Ruling Narrows Restructuring Limitations.
SCOTUS Grants Cert in Jevic
Solicitor General Sides With Priority Creditors In Recent Amicus Brief
Structured Dismissal: The “Least Bad Alternative”
Supreme Court Concludes That Orders Denying Confirmation Of A Bankruptcy Plan Are Not Final For Purposes Of Appeal, Resolving Circuit Split
Delaware Court Clarifies Creditor-Derivative Standing And Directors’ Fiduciary Duties To An Insolvent Corporation And Its Creditors
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