This industry is swarming with definitions, abbreviations, tools, and abstract concepts. For those who need it, today, we’re going back to the basics of generative AI and the law.
The truth is important. But there’s a lot of data out there—data volumes are rising and new information sources appear every day—and it can be nearly impossible to find the truth buried in it. And when it comes to legal challenges like litigation or corporate compliance, the truth can be life-changing. It’s the difference between millions of dollars, the right or wrong verdict, or justice taking years instead of months. That's why we built Relativity.
A New Security Competency for Relativity Partners
At Relativity, security is deeply ingrained in everything we build and do. Our partners also keep cybersecurity at the forefront of their own processes and operations, and now, there’s a new way to recognize their efforts.
11 Insights from 11 Women in AI You Should Know
Nearly 200 women gathered for the first-ever Women + AI Summit at Vanderbilt Law School, and the exchange of insights, experiences, support, and ideas was invigorating. Here are some top takeaways.
Ready, Set, Transform! How to Reshape Review and Case Strategy
Relativity aiR does it all: helping you review for relevance and issues, identify key material, protect privilege, and develop your case narrative. Learn about the workflow from aiR for Review, to aiR for Privilege, and aiR for Case Strategy.
Rapid Post-Incident Notifications: A Key to Effective Cybersecurity Incident Response
Understanding the intricacies of a data breach response and the ensuing notification protocols is crucial. Let’s unpack the complexities of these projects and how Relativity can streamline them.
Deepfakes in e-Discovery: The Scope and Solution of an Emerging Problem
Explore current perspectives on what modern legal and technology professionals can do to mitigate the risks posed by deepfake evidence, evolve their careers, and help preserve the integrity of our justice system amidst the rise of generative AI.
Embracing the Future of Legal Data in 2025 and Beyond
Alongside our community, Relativity is putting Legal Data Intelligence into action, transforming legal work with generative AI, and embracing the next step toward cloud transformation—so we can all thrive in the legal profession of today.
Feed Your Mind: How What You Absorb Shapes What You Create
As you continue headlong into the new year, start building some healthy habits that can help you avoid feeling deadlocked when a brief needs writing, a case strategy needs strategizing, or an important presentation needs a little more jazz.
Practical Advice on Managing Generative AI Data for e-Discovery: Part 2
Stemming from a session at Relativity Fest 2024, explore legal practitioners’ analysis of the complexities of AI-generated data discovery and their advice on how to get your arms around it.
Molding Your e-Discovery Tech: Finding Creative Uses Beyond Traditional Boundaries
At Relativity Fest 2024, we discussed the innovative ways in-house, law firm, and service provider teams have learned to use existing e-discovery technology to tackle new data challenges and get more out of their software investments.