All the necessary parties had gathered for an in-person mediation. But one side said we could not proceed.
“I have just been presented with an expert’s report I have never seen before. I have to depose this expert and probably
Mediating Civil and Workplace Injury Cases throughout California
Cases for Mediation Include:
Injury Cases, Automobile, Slip & Fall, Medical Malpractice, Dog Bite, Workers Compensation, Jones Act (seamen’s claims), Defense Base Act, Commercial Disputes, Insurance Coverage Disputes
While there are a number of points of differentiation, a new opinion from the Iowa Court of Appeals again demonstrates the value of settling and getting out early.
I’ve Seen This Before
Employee Heather Blasdell injured her ankle in November…
In October 2000, I created a presentation for CEB (Continuing Education of the Bar) entitled Quelling Fear of Video Mediation. Since then, mediators and participants have become more comfortable and more adept in using video platforms. And we’ve all…