It is a common scenario. Workmates see a gap in the market. Maybe their employer isn’t agile enough to take advantage of it or maybe they want to run their own show. For one reason or another they start up
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12 ways to make a business breakup less destructive
When you start a business together, full of the bright promise of a shiny profitable future, it seems wrong to plan for the end of the business. But the reality is that, no matter how great your idea is and…
How to overcome the challenge of adopting lawtech in law firms
Recently I spoke at #LegalTechSummit in Sydney on cost-effective technology solutions for law firms.
If you feel like you are in a never ending stream of new technology solutions for legal services, you are right. Thomson Reuters reported there has…
Risks of crowd sourced creative work
So you get home with Uber, booked your last holiday on Airbnb and are delighted with the barely used bike you picked up for a song on eBay. Having got comfortable using peer to peer marketplaces in your personal life,…
DIY legal agreements: 2 key steps before you sign
Last month the shower started leaking. Plumbers are expensive, I thought to myself, and I can’t wait around, I’ll just fix it myself.
I watched a video on YouTube. Called my dad, who isn’t a plumber but who uses a shower…
The 7 key warning signs that your client’s business is imploding and what an accountant can (and can’t) do about it
Do you have a client who only calls to whinge about how their business partner just doesn’t get it? Have you seen good employees leave and good opportunities lost because the business owners can’t agree and end up doing too…