Over two years into the pandemic and I suppose some good news to be had? But, in US only 66% “fully vaccinated” (two doses) and only 30% with 1st booster. Not clear the percentage of those with the 2nd booster
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Thoughts on COVID-19 from a food and legal perspective
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A decline in Salmonella across Australia in 2020 has been linked to actions to tackle COVID-19
Food Safety News reports:
A decline in Salmonella across Australia in 2020 has been linked to actions to tackle COVID-19, according to a study.
Researchers compared Salmonella rates in 2020 to past years and looked at the impact of COVID-19…
COVID 19 in the US – over 870,000 dead with nearly 1,300 dead today – Infections “down” to 378,000 today
Over 870,000 dead
Nearly 1,300 dead just today
Infections “down” to 378,000 today
COVID-19 in US will have over 800,000 dead by January
This is so sad – and preventable.
Hawaii – COVID outbreaks linked to restaurants and food suppliers
This week’s cluster report from the Hawaii Department of Health focuses on COVID-19 outbreaks at a restaurant chain, as well as one caused by a food supply delivery by an infected person, and a gathering at a karaoke bar.
Foodborne illnesses seem to fall during COVID pandemic
As of today 719,037, of our friends and neighbors have died from SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). However, perhaps, at least in the foodborne illness space, there might be some good news?
The CDC reported today on the Decreased Incidence of Infections Caused…
Hey, US, get vaccinated for COVID-19 and wear a damn mask
We are now over 600,000 dead.
And, we are at less that 60% vaccinated.
The Delta variant is now the dominate strain in the United States and is spiking in the unvaccinated population.
This is not over.
Over 500,000 dead in United Stated due to COVID-19
It has been a very long year and we still have a long way to go – please, wear a mask, wash your hands, socially distance and get a vaccine when you can.
Food or food packaging not a link in COVID-19 transmission
After more than a year since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak was declared a global health emergency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to…